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Important On page SEO Factors

On Page SEO Factors

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing single web pages for getting higher rank and gets more relevant traffic from search engines.

  • Keyword Research: Keyword research is quite possibly the most essential part of SEO. Keyword research is a decisive component for SEO (search engine optimization) because when keyword used correctly it shows a road map for both the design and execution of building websites and developing content. Keywords are usually broken up and clustered based on the number of words inside the query phrases. The more words in a keyword phrase usually the easier it is to rank for the term, since usually there is less relative competition.
  • Description Tag: A description tag is a snippet of HTML code within a web page header that recaps the content that is on the web page. The description tag is generally positioned after the title tag and before the meta keywords tag.
  • Meta Keyword Tag: Meta Keywords are a detailed type of meta tag that appear in the HTML code of a Web page and it helps search engines what the topic of the page is. Generally positioned after the description tag. 
  • Alt Tag: ALT tag is a familiar shorthand term applied to refer to the ALT attribute in the IMG tag. Any time you use an image, make sure to add an ALT tag or ALT text in the IMG tag. For example, <img src="web-design.png" alt="Website Design">.
  • H1 Tag: In HTML <h1> tag refers to the HEADER TAG. Usually used in Post Title or other emphasized text on the page.
  • Keyword Density: Keyword density is the proportion of times a keyword or phrase shows on a web page evaluated to the total number of words on that page.
  • Page Loading: Page load time is the time it acquires to download and display the whole content of a web page to the user (in browser window). Page Load time measured in seconds. Page load time is a web performance metric that openly impacts on user engagement.  
  • Keyword Placement: In search engine optimization it means that where to use your keyword phrases within a web page.

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